I’m in love with BC fashion designers; I have spent over 12 years promoting and selling them. Now I’m offering my services as an Emerging Designer Consultant.

I have a wealth of knowledge that I want to share (and the connections to help you in areas that may not be my expertise). My time as a journalist and publicist have given me a good ear for a story and provided insights into marketing and media relations. Working as a sales rep for Canadian and Eco brands has given me an understanding of buyer expectations and wholesaling standards. I have run countless fashion shows, launched an industry association, taught at fashion schools both public and private, all with the goal of improving the chances of success for Vancouver fashion designers.

As an Emerging Designer Consultant, I get to share my passion and wisdom with you. You can spend a couple of hours picking my brain or set up a monthly call so you can run all your crazy ideas by me. I’m ready to work together for the betterment of Vancouver fashion designers just like you.

Emerging Designer Consulting Packages

2 hour meeting- $100 plus a chai latte 🙂

1 meeting + a monthly 15 minute phone call- $350 or 1 meeting and 5 calls- $225